Our Safety Statement
While much is still uncertain, one thing is clear: life on the stage will be different for the foreseeable future. From props and costumes to singing and projecting our voices, we will all need to get used to both a new performing arts environment and to taking new precautionary measures to reduce potential exposure to COVID-19.
To that end, Main Street Players has created an extensive set of health and safety protocols. We have aligned our guidelines with relevant government directives, the latest guidance from healthcare experts, like the U.S. Center for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and others. We have conducted benchmarking with other performing arts programs and their affiliates such as the Performing Arts Center Consortium, Advisory Committee on Reopening, APAP – Association for Performing Arts Professionals, and more. The protocols require changes to our operating guidelines, such as screening and social distancing protocols, and introducing new rules that all staff and performers will need to abide by when attending rehearsals and performances.
2020 continues to be a memorable year - one that has caused us to reflect on what is essential and not to take for granted all that binds us together. Theater creates connections that may not always be visible. It is through this pandemic that we have learned to connect in ways we never imagined. We are grateful that we can renew our passion for theater - the show must go on!
Above all else, we will take all appropriate precautions because our number one priority is our theater community's health and safety.
Our Experience: Three productions, Seventy-five performers, Zero cases
This summer, we were determined to find a way to operate safely. Based on our research, we knew that it would be best to run our program outside. We implemented all the safety precautions outlined in our plan and were successfully able to perform! If you love live theater, you can imagine the fulfillment for all involved – performers, families, guests. We were trusted to keep everyone safe, and we did - a mutual commitment for all involved, and everyone adapted.
We plan to continue to operate outdoors as long as possible with a safe transition inside. Upon registration, you will receive our 2021 Safety and Operating Plan Guidelines. As guidelines change, the plan will be updated.
If you want to check out our 2020 summer experience, click here: Summer 2020